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Ponies & Pottery | Transitions Equine X Kiln Room

The Kiln Room Ceramic & Art Studio is teaming up with Transitions Equine Assisted Learning to bring you an experience that combines learning pottery techniques and hanging out with therapeutic horses!

July 27th, 6pm-9pm

Please email to register: thekilnroomwoodstock@gmail.com

During this three-hour experience you will be guided through three ceramic hand-building exercises. Two techniques will be taught in the beautiful TEAL Clubhouse and for the third exercise, we will be making a pinch-pot outdoors , immersed in the intuitive energy of the resident horses. You can decide whether you would like to walk with the horses inside their pen or observe from a distance. Pinch-pot making is a very meditative hand-building practice that can sooth your spirit and ignite your creative juices. If you choose the immersive option, rest assured, the Transitions facilitators will introduce you to the horses and provide a safety demo.

By the end of the evening you will have learned two pottery techniques, created 2 or 3 ceramic pieces, had an energetic exchange with beautiful majestic creatures and hopefully learned something about yourself.

$90 per person: includes clay, glaze, firing and instructions.

Capacity is 16, so be sure to email and pre-register: thekilnroomwoodstock@gmail.com

*Refreshments available at the clubhouse.

All pottery pieces will be ready for pick-up from The Kiln Room Studio downtown Woodstock 4-6 weeks after the event.

Contact Information

Event Information

July 27-28, 2024
6:00PM - 9:00PM