East Zorra-Tavistock
Whether travelling on your bicycle or in your car, pointing your wheels towards East-Zorra Tavistock is a sure-fire way to find a chilled-out adventure.
Explore the Back Roads of East-Zorra Tavistock
Read on for ways to explore East-Zorra Tavistock and more information about the township.
About & Reasons to Visit
East-Zorra Tavistock (population 7000), was founded much later than most townships in Oxford. In 1975, EZT was formed with the Township of East Zorra and the village of Tavistock decided to join together. Within the township are several communities including Tavistock, Hickson and Innerkip. The largest industry in East Zorra-Tavistock is agriculture with several innovative farms and farmgate stands available for visiting. Residents and visitors alike can enjoy delicious food, beautiful trails, and slowing down a bit to enjoy the beauty of rural life. The Innerkip Highlands Golf Club makes for a great golfing destination where other travellers can enjoy exploring the local grainery, Oak Manor Farms, Bickles Orchard Park Farm and Parion's Farm and Table. Tavistock is home to several events including the World Crokinole Championship. Explore the township's German heritage by eating at a local restaurant or heading to the butcher. Explore the countryside and wilderness found along the recently expanded Hickson Trail. Now running from Hickson to Oxford Rd 17.
Where East-Zorra Tavistock is Located
As previously mentioned, EZT was formed n 1975 and is comprised of several communities including Tavistock, Hickson and Innerkip. Bordering four other townships, EZT has neighbours in Woodstock, Zorra Township, Blandford-Blenheim and Southwest Oxford. The northernmost part of the county has beautiful views that vary widely throughout.
Trip Ideas